Tea Cell

Herbal Gum Powder ~CLOVES~

Regular price $12.00

Gum Tooth Powder


  • Original
  • Mint
  • Cloves

Reduces bleeding in the gums, tightens the gums, whitens the teeth, freshens the breath and restores the gums to health.  

~No preservatives, artificial coloring, fluoride additive or sugar~ 

Directions: Instructions will be included in package

Floss prior to brushing teeth using a soft brush

  1. Dampen your toothbrush in water
  2. Immerse the bristles for 10 seconds
  3. Brush your teeth, jaws, gums, roof of your mouth and end with brushing your tongue last
  4. Brush for 2 minutes; rinse
  5. Keep powder dry
  6. Rinse toothbrush with hot water
  7. Refrain from using regular toothpaste

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